Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pitch Contest Now Open

Music City Romance Writers’ annual PITCH contest is now open! Whether the "pitch" is for back cover copy that you plan to self-publish, or that oh-so-perfect query letter blurb, we want to help you get it right!
Contest Information:
·    Enter 200 word max. This would be the back cover copy or pitch letter blurb.
·    $15 entry fee
·    Accepting a max of 100 entries only, so get yours in soon!
·    There will be time to revise after round one.
·    All genres accepted.
·    Published and non-published authors accepted, as long as the entry is not published.
·    Judged fully by PAN members, three judges per entry.
·    Top 10% move on to the final round.
·    All final round entries will be seen by all final round judges.
·    Terrific panel of final round judges!!!
·    Deadline to enter: 11:59pm CST April 15
·    Finalists announced: May 5
·    Winner announced: June 1

Final Judges:
·         Suzie Townsend, New Leaf Literary
·         Pam van Hylckama Vlieg, Foreword Literary
·         Lauren MacCleod, Strothman Agency
·         Barbara Poelle, Irene Goodman Agency
·         Holly Root, Waxman Leavell Agency
·         Elizabeth Poteet, Assistant Editor, St. Martin’s Press

See website for the great list of prizes to be won, along with additional entry details. For questions, please contact the PITCH coordinators at

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