"The Pied Piper of the Dead" in the anthology Still Hungry for Your Love
Love and zombies never die. Everyone knows that! This new collection of never-before published zombie romance stories features The Pied Piper of the Dead by Gretchen Stull, an updated reimagining of The Pied Piper of Hamelin, with steampunk elements and zombies.
Of "The Pied Piper of the Dead" -
"Great twist ending. I thought I knew what was what, but the author surprised me."
- A. N. Blount, Amazon review
eBooks available for Kindle and Nook.
Paperbacks available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
A Good Zombie is Hard to Find: Representations of Gender and Competing Ideologies in Shaun of the Dead
Blending several film genres, Shaun of the Dead is counted among a small but growing sub-genre of film known as romantic zombie comedy. As such, it is uniquely suited for gender critique. Containing all the defining filmic characteristics of the horror genre, with the added cinematic elements of both the zombie horror and romantic comedy sub-genres, Shaun of the Dead communicates gendered messages about the American sociocultural landscape that hold meaning for American movie-going audiences. Placing zombies in the ideological position of Other, the film depicts the tension and struggle among dominant and competing gender ideologies within the United States. Ultimately, this depiction serves to maintain and repair dominant American ideological values and power structures. Additionally, Shaun of the Dead provides a commentary on the prevailing American sociocultural fears of the time period in which it was released, allowing audience members to confront shared fears and overcome them onscreen.
Paperbacks available from Amazon.
MuggleNet.com's What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Falls in Love and How Will the Adventure Finally End?
As anticipation of the final Harry Potter book intensifies, a debate is raging among fans about what's in store for Harry and the rest of the gang at Hogwarts. In this book, the experts at MuggleNet.com present a wide range of hard facts and bold predictions about the most popular storylines, favorite characters, and final outcome of the Harry Potter saga. Drawing on their intimate knowledge of the previous six books, as well as tips and suggestions made by millions of MuggleNet.com fans (not to mention a personal interview with J.K. Rowling), the authors offer answers to the burning questions of Harry Potter readers everywhere: Will Hogwarts School be open for Harry's final year and will Harry even be in attendance? Will Harry's quest for the remaining Horcruxes be rewarded? Where do Severus Snape's true loyalties lie? And, most importantly, will Harry survive the final battle with Lord Voldemort?
As of July 21, 2007, What Will Happen sold 335,000 copies and reached #2 on the New York Times Children's Bestseller List. It spent 6 months on the list.
Of What Will Happen -
"Though they self-deprecatingly call themselves Muggles - a Muggle is a person without the powers of a wizard - the authors of this rapt little volume appear to have magically transported every bit of information in the Potter epic into their own lively, teeming brains. They are as adept at parsing plot details as they are at anatomizing the characters' motives and predicting their next steps.
- Lee Siegel, The New York Times
Paperbacks available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.